0 31

of service

0 68


0 6


0 476

elected members
(+ 6 Regional presidents)

A message from the president

The Local Councils’ shared vision encapsulates aspirations, priorities and commitments for long term sustainable economic growth by working towards healthy, attractive and vibrant localities, that our current and future generations will want to live, work and relax in. Making sure that urban-related policies and regulations are coherent is a major challenge. Governmental institutions may have diverse aims, often carried out independently and with conflicting effects. The Association role is to ensure effective collaboration, consultation and coordination in all directions and at all levels.
Mr. Mario Fava

LCA Members

The Local Councils’ Association is an organisation of local and regional government in Malta. Its members are 68 Local Councils and 6 Regional Councils from all over Malta and Gozo. Together, we represent some 476 democratically elected members, Executive Secretaries and other employees. The Association works to promote a united vision that is based on local and regional self-government
and democracy.

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